Some things about the girls we thought you’d like to hear about:
Elizabeth –
She’s now walking, it’s slowly becoming her preferred method of getting around, although crawling is still faster, so she reverts to it often.
She says “Zao” in Chinese, which is good morning, every morning when we go upstairs to the 22nd floor, that’s what she hears and she repeats it (well, for the last 2 mornings).
She says bye-bye, I love you (or at least we swear that’s what she’s saying), night-night, hello, ahahahahahah (I want, I want, I want or Give me, Give me, Give me).
She hums along when we sing to her and sways back and forth as if dancing.
She understands the word No and can follow simple commands, such as Go Get Something or Shut the Door or Bring Me Something.
She sleeps with blankie, at least 2 stuffed animals and a baby doll. (She can go without, but this is her preferred method of sleep)
She will hug people when prompted.
She hugs stuffed animals and baby doll all the time – we try to carry one around with us wherever we go since it makes her happy.
She can blow kisses.
She will “read” along to books, making sounds as she turns the pages.
She loves phones (including cell phones) and will say “hello) when she picks it up.
When she’s really upset, I can give her my cell phone and a stuffed animal and she’ll hug both of them tight and lay her head down on my shoulder (too cute!).
She loves bathtime and tries to take off her clothes when you mention bath and then tries to put her leg up over the bathtub (which is as tall as her shoulder).
She eats anything in sight - still only has 8 teeth - 4 on top, 4 on bottom, but can eat an apple, a hamburger, chicken, pizza, etc.
She says "vroom,vroom" when she's riding her little ride on bike.
She talks to herself when we put her down in bed at night, sometimes humming like she's singing.
Ashley –
She asks us how to say things in Chinese all the time.
She can say thank you, your welcome, hello, good morning and a few other words in Chinese and her pronunciation of the words is outstanding.
She is starting to understand what words are and that letters form words that we read.
She loves book and being read to and is beginning to use her finger to “follow along” with the words.
She walks everywhere with me in the city and is no longer stopping and crying for me to pick her up (well, most of the time anyway).
She loves parks and playgrounds and shopping and bookstores – basically anything to get out of the hotel.
She can ride her bike now – it has training wheels – and she loves to wear her pink bike helmet with Hello Kitty stickers on it.
She rides in cabs all the time now, with seatbelt if available, but I don’t think she’ll ever want to go back in a carseat again!
She plays doctor with her stuffed animals and baby doll and plays mommy too, wrapping them up, putting diapers on them and taking care of them.
She loves tea sets and likes to have tea parties.
She “calls” people all the time on the phone (we’ve unplugged a phone in the room) and has very long conversations – at first, they were just hi and bye, but now, she’ll talk about anything that pops into her little mind.
She wants friends, talks about meeting her friends at the park and playground. We haven’t had consistent outings with the same people her age, so she’s missing out on that.
She LOVES the rain and puddles of water – loves splishing, splashing and playing in water.
She still LOVES dresses and wants a “wedding dress” (just bought her a white dress today, so I’m hoping she’ll be satisfied).
Her hair is a mess all the time, it’s very fine and she tends to take any ponytail holders or braid holders out after a little while. She prefers to wear her hair down and to “tuck it behind my ears, mommy”.
She eats one thing (or sometimes two) of Plain yogurt every morning – no flavored yogurt because it has pieces of fruit in it – Yuck, according to her.
She likes to eat cheese and drink apple juice when we visit the 22nd floor.
She pretends to be a puppy dog about 90% of the time we are on the 22nd floor – everything is said in puppy language – woof, woof.