Taipei Family Adventures

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Good News...Finally

We will have our apartment by the weekend! The paperwork went throught this morning, we will get the keys tomorrow morning (Friday) and the movers will bring our shipment of stuff on Saturday! We're going to stay in the hotel until Saturday, mainly for the girls, so they'll sleep Friday night and have the weekend with both of us there to help them transition. Tomorrow (Friday) most of the day will be spent getting things we need like sheets and towels and silverware! I am so excited, you have no idea! Finally, a place we can call home! I don't know when we'll have internet access, so after tomorrow, I may not be on for a while.

One other note, last night we ate dinner at a little Italian cafe and Ashley ate escargot - yes, she loved them. I don't know if she knew that she was eating snail, but she kept asking for more. Pretty cool. She's a strange one - sometimes she refuses to try anything new and yet, other times, she loves new foods.