Taipei Family Adventures

Friday, November 18, 2005

My family's expanded!

My little brother and his girlfriend had a baby boy 2 days ago - Carter. He's a cutie from the pics I've seen and I hope that someday soon I'll get to see him in person. That's what really bites about families living so far apart from one another these days. Ashley and Liz have four cousins, all within 4 years of each other and they probably will never have the opportunity to spend much time together. Each family lives in a different city or state than we do (obviously now, in a different country, too!). Anyway, it's exciting news and I wish the best for my bro and his new little family.

Not much happening here, starting to kind of clean up stuff to get ready for the move. Going through paperwork, tossing things we don't need or use, etc. Also, the cool/cold weather has hit here (although you wouldn't know it since I slept with the air conditioner on last night!) and Ashley has almost nothing warm to wear and what she does have - not much of it matches, so she's in desperate need of clothes. She's getting to an age or stage though, where she wants to pick out her clothes so she can wear what she likes, not what mom thinks she should wear. She's really into fashion - funky, fun, colorful stuff - nothing just plain Jane boring. I put on some black, pink and white striped socks the other day and was told how cute my socks were! She's pretty funny right now. I did go shopping today and bought her some clothes that I found at an outlet store - mainly "The Children's Place" clothing - some really cute stuff, or at least, I think so, we'll see what she has to say!