Taipei Family Adventures

Monday, February 28, 2005

Back in Taipei

I haven't had much time to post lately. We are back in Taipei, we've been here for a week now. Got back last Monday - should have gotten back on Sunday, but for some unknown reason, our last flight from Tokyo to Taiwan was cancelled - so they put us in a hotel in Tokyo and we came back a day later. So, we can now say we've been in Japan - at least our passports are stamped for it. Anthony went to work on Tuesday for a bit, but then on Wednesday, I woke up sick and he had to stay home and watch the girls. I went to the doctor who said I had bronchitis and gave me some meds to take. That night, I got worse, and the next day we went back to the hospital, where the doctor decided to admit me. And wanted me to stay for FIVE days, due to the antibiotics. It was an interesting time for me, in a foreign hospital, with very little English spoken. The nurses were nice, I had no problems, except for lack of communication - why did I have to stay so long, what medicines were being given to me, what was wrong, etc. I even had the hospital food, which really wasn't too bad considering. Lots of noodles, soups and salads. Oh and coffee - I thought that was strange. Luckily, Anthony's work is very understanding, and he was able to take the whole week off to watch the girls. We also had some friends keep them a few times so Anthony could come visit me alone. The girls visited me a few times and they weren't scared at all - Ashley even asked if I was having another baby - she wants a baby girl. I left the hospital a day earlier than they wanted (on Sunday instead of Monday) but I really needed to come home and be with the girls and Anthony. It's the first time I've been away from them for more than one night - since they've been born. I am happy to be home, and doing better. The doctor sent me home with eight different meds (I'm not kidding here!) and I looked them all up on the net to find out what they were. Half are all for the same thing -cough and sputum - ugh - so I'm just sort of picking and choosing what to take - don't really think I need that many medicines in me.
We are looking forward to trying to get back to some semblence of normal life - hopefully this week. Today was a holiday, so Anthony had the day off, which was good since I definitley wasn't back to watching the kids all day. We'll see how tomorrow goes - his first real day back at work in AGES. We're trying to get Ashley back in school also - but she's pretty adamant right now that she doesn't want to go, so it's going to take some time.
We had a wonderful trip back in the States - it was refreshing, relaxing and wonderful to visit with all the family and friends.