We are back in the States for our short visit. The trip here was uneventful and went well, all things considered. The weekend before we left was quite chaotic. Remember how I said we were all healthy in my last post, or at least mostly healthy. That changed quite dramatically after posting when both girls started running high fevers. Ashley ended up having an ear infection and went on antibiotics and Elizabeth had tonsillitis with no antibiotics. Both of them were well by the time we left on Wednesday though. I kept Ashley home from school on Monday and Tuesday. Monday was difficult for her, getting adjusted to being home with mommy and Liz all day, without daddy around. We had some tense moments, a few timeouts and even a hitting spree (her hitting me, not the other way around!). She got her ponies taken away for that little stunt and that evening, Anthony asked her about it and she admitted to hitting mommy after a little prompting - her first reponse "I don't know why mommy took my ponies away". Uh, huh... She was much better with dealing with herself on Tuesday, so that was good for all of us.
We got here in the evening on Wednesday, after 24 hours of travel time. We were starving (plane food is just not good) and stopped to have Mexican food on the way home. It was so good! The girls went to bed easily that night, but both were up on and off from about 2:30 until 6 am. Argh. Anthony had to work the next day, so he was up with them for about an hour and I was up the rest of the time with them. We ate sandwiches and crackers and drank juice. The bread was soooo good - really, you have no idea how good. Normal American wheat bread. Mmmm. Ashley ended up sleeping until almost 11 am and I woke Elizabeth up at noon. I then kept them both awake all day long, until we put them in bed at 9:45 last night. Ashley slept completely through the night and Liz woke up a few times, only to go back to sleep after drinking some juice or milk for about 5 minutes. She's having some digestive issues, so I think that's the reason she woke up. I can't believe how well they slept last night and only hope they continue to adjust so well to the time change.