Taipei Family Adventures

Friday, May 06, 2005

66 Villa Motel Love Inn

This is the name of a new hotel/motel/inn that has been built close to Anthony's work - we drive by it everyday and I just laugh at the name.

Liz woke up with bug bites all over, I think mosquito’s, so I went out this morning and bought a bug zapper – hope it works! We also have a portable bug zapper given to us by a friend here. It looks like a tennis racket, but turn it on and swing at the bugs – it zaps em – pretty cool, but I’m sure completely illegal in the states – I’ll try and remember to take a picture of it soon.

The other day, I went to playgroup, which was at a place called “Alladin’s castle”. Right next to that place, is a movie museum for kids – it has a ticket booth outside and then you go in and there are rides and stuff that they do in movies (like fake snow). All the signs are in Chinese and I had never been, so I didn’t know that Alladin’s castle is different than the museum and you have to buy separate tix. Of course, I bought a ticket to the wrong one, walked in, realized no one was there and I was at the wrong place. Found the right place, bought another ticket there and had no money left for parking. I tried to get my money back from the other place, I argued with the lady as much as one can argue with a language barrier – she refused to refund my money – even though she’d just sold me the ticket about 5 minutes earlier – she saw me walk in and out. I was so frustrated, but just gave up and went to play with Liz. About an hour went by, I’m standing next to Angie talking to her and this guy in suit comes up and starts saying stuff in Chinese to her, then she points to me, he hands me my money back and says “I’m sorry”. Very cool, that made my day.

Ashley had a weird thing happen the other night – she was in our bed asleep and I was on the computer. She started wimpering, then crying out. I went to her and she wouldn’t wake up, she just kept crying. I tried waking her, she wouldn’t open her eyes and she started shaking. Her legs were stiff and shaking and her arms were stiff. It was so scary. It lasted a few minutes, then she woke up and we talked and she calmed down and went back to sleep. She was fine the rest of night. I ended up taking her to the doctor after school and she said that she doesn’t think it was a seizure (which is what I thought it was) but probably a dream that she couldn’t be aroused from and she may have hyperventilated by crying so much and having trouble breathing so she was shaking. I really hope that was it and not a seizure. She wants us to keep an eye on her and if it happens again to videotape it. I also took her to an orthopedic doctor for her leg pains, which still continue a few times a week – and he thinks it’s just growing pains. He said it can last until age 6 or 7, so guess we’re in for a long couple of years. She let him manipulate and massage her legs and joints, which she wouldn’t do for the doctor in the States.

Anthony has been working quite a bit this week – he’s had several late night (at least what I consider late night!) interviews (past 7 or 8 pm), along with lots of email at night and conference calls. At least it is only occasionally that this occurs as I would hate seeing so little of him and I know the girls wouldn’t exactly be happy either.

We went out to Miramar last night to eat at TGIFriday’s. We had their TexMex appetizer platter with fried jalapenos, quesadillas and nachos. It was really good with ranch dressing, sour cream and guacamole! MMM…tasty. Anthony and I both ate the jalapenos, which neither of us would have touched back home. We are starting to become used to and for me, at least, actually enjoy spicy foods. The girls had fun at the restaurant, running around and getting tons of attention. I don’t know how many pictures there are out there of our kids. Liz had the couple next to us take several pictures of her over the course of our meal. It’s just too funny and something I don’t really understand, but oh well, I’ve learned to just take it in stride and not get too upset.