Taipei Family Adventures

Thursday, March 24, 2005

One of the Saddest Moments

I've ever experienced occurred this morning. Ashley, Liz and I walked to Ashley's school this morning. Ashley was in a good mood, wanting to go to school, excited about it. We got to school, I did a puzzle with her, then she gave me hug and kiss and said goodbye. I was going to leave when Liz wanted to walk upstairs, so I went upstairs with Liz (where the younger kids room is) and let Liz play around for a bit up there, getting to know the other kids and teachers so hopefully someday, she'll go there without a big fuss. After about 15 minutes, we went back downstairs to leave - there is glass in between Ashley's classroom and the stairs, so you can see into her room while walking down the stairs. Ashley was eating a snack at a table and saw us and waved. Once we got down to her room and by the front door, she was still waving bye, but her face started to scrunch up and turn red. I went over to her and gave her another hug and kiss and she started tearing up. She said "Bye Mommy, I love You" and then reached over, grabbed a Kleenex and patted her eyes. It was so sad. I tried talking to her, telling her she would have fun and I would pick her up after nap. She nodded yes, then said "Just Go Mommy" - oh, my heart just broke. Here she was upset that I was leaving, on the verge of sobbing and she was telling me to just leave, because she knew that was best. It was just awful for me! I left with Liz and took a LONG time walking home. Ashley is growing up so fast, it is just amazing. I'm so proud of my little girl.