Taipei Family Adventures

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Lots of good news...

I have become an Aunt! I'm so thrilled about this and can not wait to visit my little niece in a few weeks at the end of our stay here in the States. I was so excited for my brother and his wife before the tsunami and even more so afterwards, now that I think life is that much more precious. I know how much having children has changed my life and how wonderful it is to be a parent and watch your children grow and learn and develop personalitites - I am just so thrilled that my brother gets to share in the same journey now.

We are in contact with the couple who so wonderfully shared their 4th story room with us for a few hours after the tsunami hit at Merlin Beach. When we had been staying at the Merlin Phuket, I briefly ran into the woman who'd been so kind, we exchanged a few words, but I barely remember the encounter, as it was when Anthony had gone back to Merlin Beach and the girls were upset and I was not in a good frame of mind. I had posted a note asking them to contact us in our room on a window in the lobby area of the Merlin Phuket. I felt silly putting it up there, since it was a little note, next to other notes asking for information on lost and missing people. Nonetheless, I had wanted to try and get their contact information, but never did. I have often thought of them both, wanting to know how they were doing. Apparently, they remembered what company Anthony worked for, that we were living in Taiwan and all of our names. They contacted Anthony's work who then put him in contact with them. Anthony called me this afternoon and told me the news, we are both rather stunned and amazed that they were able to contact us and also really happy! Those cute little sandals that Ashley had on the morning of the tsunami - we didn't really have a place to carry them when we left the resort, so we left them in their room. Apparently, when they went back to get their luggage, they picked up the shoes and still have them. They are going to send them to us, Ashley will be so thrilled! She loved those shoes - as did Liz.

We sold our car in the States. We've had it listed for sale and have been trying to sell it since June of last year. Although the timing could have been better - someone offered to buy it the day before we got here for our visit - it is so great that we will not have to keep making payments on a vehicle we don't use, that just sits there.

I had more dreams last night, nothing as bad as the last ones, but all having to do with water and waves. None of these dreams involved the children though - all were just me or me and Anthony. I haven't been sleeping well, mix in jet lag with kiddos who keep waking up and bad dreams, that doesn't make for good sleeping conditions. Hopefully, the kids will start sleeping more hours at night, which will help Anthony and I in sleeping longer too. I am really tired and drained right now. I did have lunch today with friends, which was very nice! The girls actually sat and ate and were good for the whole meal, which is a rarity.

I posted some of information on an Asian travel website that has a forum where people are discussing the tsunami and requesting information on different hotels, people, etc. There was a post on Merlin Beach Resort, so I added our story and links to pics and blog. There have been a few people who also posted saying they survived from there or who had relatives who were there and some who've thanked me for sharing our pictures. I really never thought that so many people would actually see our photos and read our blog. I am continually amazed at the numbers and that so many people are getting what I had hoped they would get out of it, a more personal look into the tsunami and how it's affected so many different people from all over the world. I can not believe that it's been 2 weeks since the tsunami. It is such a strange feeling, knowing that we were there, that we were a part of this huge horrible massive natural disaster, and that we survived and are halfway across the world now.