Taipei Family Adventures

Friday, March 04, 2005


We are getting back into the swing of things. Anthony's been to work all week and Ashley started at school on Wednesday - for half days. She was happy Wed and Thurs, but today, she threw a major fit - screamed the whole way in. There were two younger twins going into school at the same time and they were crying also - but Ashley was screaming so loud - they both stopped and just stared at her and quit their crying. When I went to pick her up this afternoon, she was happily eating her lunch and told me that she missed me, but she had a good day.

I saw a man tweezing hairs out of his chin while driving a taxi yesterday, now I know I'm back in Taiwan. I'm back to driving around, I was nervous the first day, but am fine now. I still don't believe how horrible the driving is here - how the buses just go where they want, whether you are in the lane or not and how people on bicycles will be going down the middle of the street at 5 kmh, with no mind to the cars in the street.

Liz threw up yesterday, I think it was something she ate - she seems better today. I am doing ok. Still not feeling normal yet after my sickness and still coughing with a sore throat. I really wish it would all go away and I'd be healthy again. I can't wait until I'm not exhausted at noon and can go all day without a nap.

The sun finally came out today for the first time in what seems like weeks. It's been raining and miserable for a while now - it was really nice walking to pick up Ashley and not getting soaked in the rain.