Taipei Family Adventures

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Dealing with the situation

We are attempting to deal with what has happened. Somepoint soon, I will post about our ordeal, from beginning to end, but you'll have to give me a few days. Although we were not actually physically injured, we did see the waves come in and did have to run for our lives, along with seeing mass damage and talking with others who were injured, had missing relatives, etc. I don't think this is too good for our psyches.

I wanted to let everyone know that we are handling it. The girls are doing good, Liz is wonderful and happy and helping us to smile. Ashley is nervous, easily scared and appears to possibly be having nightmares of some sort, However, she is still happy and playful during the day and wants to be with both mommy and daddy (and Claire, one of her friends :)

I am doing ok considering. Went to doctor today and have been prescribed an antianxiety medicine, a sleeping medicine and a stomach/GI medicine. Seems like a lot, huh?! Hoping it will help me calm down a bit and sleep some. Anthony is doing really good, although I don't really think he's allowed himself to think much about it. He's the strong one in the family.

We are in discussions about when we will be heading home (to the States). For sure, it will be soon, hopefully in a week or two.

I attempted to get new glasses today, but they said it would take about a week to get them in - so we are going this evening to another place to see if they can do it faster - sucks to have such a bad prescription!

Thanks to everyone for all your love, thoughts and prayers - they help! And it helps knowing how many people out there are thinking of us and wishing us well.