Taipei Family Adventures

Thursday, August 19, 2004

And the days fly by

Tuesday, I was so fed up with the apartment searching, I called an agent on my own, someone I found through the community service center book (a center for expats). The agent showed us two places in Neihu on Tuesday – one of which is great and one which was only ok. It’s not exactly the area of Neihu that we are wanting, so we are still going to continuing looking for a few more days. I’ve also enlisted the help of some of the other moms who live in the area we like to try and see if they see any for rent signs or know of any agents who work that area. The commercial guy that we are using (because of AMD) sent an email today saying that he’s no longer working with us (THANK GOD!) and that his colleague will be taking over since she speaks both Chinese and English and can talk to landlords directly. She then emailed us and said there is nothing available. UGH! I find that so hard to believe in this city. We are hoping the agent I called with be able to come up with some more apartments to see soon.

It rained a lot yesterday and people seemed to be bracing for some strong winds, but it appears the typhoon headed up north and missed up completely, so it was just rain and no heavy winds. It cooled down a bit, which was nice in the evening yesterday. For dinner, we ate in the hotel, at a restaurant called Cheers. We had fried rice and fish with mashed potatoes, strange combination, I know, but it was good! We then got the girls to bed early – which was AWESOME! We rented (pay per view) a movie (The Day After Tomorrow) and about 20 minutes before the end of the movie, Anthony accidentally hit the remote and ended up turning it off, so we couldn’t see the end!

Wednesday was mostly a great day. I took the girls on the MRT (subway) to a park called Peace Park for a playgroup date. It’s so easy to ride the subway here and it’s so clean, it’s just amazing. No graffiti, no trash, lots of neat sculptured artwork, elevators and signs for getting around. At the park, there were quite a few other expat moms there and kids both Ashley and Elizabeth’s age. We enjoyed the playground and the park. Ashley did very well, usually when we go to park or playground, she’s very clingy, wants me to be by her side all the time, isn’t too adventurous, etc. But with this group, she was running around on her own for over an hour – I could see her, but she didn’t have to have me right next to her. She kept coming back saying she was playing with her friends. The kids speak English, so that may be why she is more comfortable with them than other kids she meets on playgrounds. I had a good time talking with the other moms and finally met Angie, with whom I have been corresponding by email for months, ever since finding out about moving here. She has an almost one year old baby, Joseph. We stayed a long time and after taking the MRT back to the hotel, the girls took a long nap (along with myself J They were both pretty tired and filthy dirty after playing in the ground at the park. We have to find Elizabeth some shoes she’ll keep on because her feet get so filthy crawling around on the ground. I gave the girls a bath after naps and we were all cleaned up and ready to eat when Anthony got home.

Once Anthony got home, we decided to go out in a taxi to an Italian restaurant. Once we got there, both Ashley and Elizabeth were throwing fits and crying. We ended up leaving before we’d even ordered. This was one of the first times we’ve ever had to leave a place due to upset children. Liz just did not want to sit in her stroller or a high chair – she kept arching her back and screaming. And Ashley’s leg hurt so she was crying and upset. She’s been having lots of leg pain lately – could be from all the walking we do along with growing pains. So, we walked around outside, which calmed the girls down immensely and found a SOGO department store with a food court downstairs and ate at McDonalds, yes, McDonalds. I know, it’s getting old…but it’s just so easy to fall into that habit with the kiddos. McDonalds is so popular over here, you can buy school supplies at them – and the Happy Meal toys – you can buy them – they have the free ones with the meals, but they also have a large selection of other items that you can buy – interesting, huh?! After dinner, we walked around a little – the mall was PACKED! Don’t know why, but at 7 pm at night, it was just crazy. We went to the kids floor to look around at shoes – and they had this little play area for kids. So the girls had fun playing in that while I looked around. Anthony said some lady kept yelling at her kids, forcing them to bounce on these little bouncy toys. He said it was weird. We took a cab back home, got the girls to bed, and reordered The Day After Tomorrow and fast forwarded to the end where it stopped before. Ok movie – great effects, wish we’d seen it in a movie theatre.

Today, Thursday, we didn’t do much. I spent the morning instant messaging my mom and brother – it was great to “talk” to them both. Anyone who has MSN and would like to IM, use my email address to find me as contact. The girls and I decided to go for a walk after Liz just wouldn’t calm down – she was cranky and miserable this morning for some reason – I think teething, but not positive. She does well when we walk around, she’s begun to enjoy being in the stroller. So we walked over to the Warner Village complex and ate lunch at the Tepanyaki fast food place there. It’s usually really good, but was just okay today. Then we walked over to Mitsukoshi mall and walked around a bit, just browsing stuff. We went to the 4th floor (kids) where they had some Disney princess toys on display – Ashley was in heaven. They had a little teacup set on display she loved playing with. Another little girl was getting her picture taken seated next to it so the mom asked if Ashley could be in it – so the little poser that Ashley can be sometimes, she posed for the lady with this little girl next to her – too cute. We then went outside and played around on the playground and rode some of the kiddie rides. It was a fun time. Walked back to the hotel and we all took naps again. I keep meaning not too, to take the time to work on pictures and the blog and read, but then I lay down next to Ashley and just crash. Guess sometimes I just need the rest too.