Taipei Family Adventures

Monday, August 09, 2004


One of my biggest fears living in Taiwan is the earthquakes they have here. I'm not too excited about the prospect of being in one. They build buildings made for earthquakes here, I keep reminding myself.
Last night, Anthony and I were playing Scrabble in bed when I felt the bed moving, Anthony's legs were bouncing, so I thought he was making the bed move. But, we also heard a little creaking, it only lasted a few seconds, just enough for our brains to register, I think this is an earthquake, then it stopped. Anthony called down to the front desk to ask since we weren't sure. They said they thought it was, but hadn't seen any confirmed reports on the news. There is a website here to monitor earthquakes and I checked today...and it was. So, we've been in our first earthquake. Wasn't too bad, but of course, it was only a 1 on the richter scale here in Taiwan. The origin was 5 something. I'm still not looking forward to a big one, but maybe we'll just have little ones whle we're here - at least I can hope!