Taipei Family Adventures

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Our BIG news

Well, I guess it's about time I post our latest news. We always seem to have something going on. Many of you already now this, so it won't be a surpise, but....we're having a third kid! Yep, I'm pregnant - again. We found out right before our trip back home to the States so I was able to see my doctor back home to confirm everything. The due date is February 26, 2006. Our current plan is that we go back home to the States to deliver the baby - leaving Taipei sometime in December. This will mean that Anthony will be traveling back and forth from Asia to the States quite often while I stay at home with the kids. It'll be difficult, but I'm very happy that I'll give birth at home.

It's been a fairly difficult pregnancy so far, I've been really sick and tired. The doctors here have given me some medicine that has helped a bit with the nausea/vomiting, so that's good. I'm hoping that it will all ease away soon. I went yesterday for a prenatal visit with a doctor here in Taiwan - she was pleasant and spoke good English. We heard the heartbeat (at 10 weeks) so all is going well at this point. I've lost some weight from being sick, but I have no doubt that will all come back in the next few months. I'm starting to do a bit of reading on natural childbirth as I've been thinking of maybe trying it this time. I haven't made up my mind, but I do wonder what the whole experience would be like without any drugs.

We are excited and looking forward to the next year and all that's going to happen. I am hoping to find out the sex of the baby at our 20 week ultrasound - I know we have been surprised 2 times now, but this time, I just think it best to find out ahead of time to make it easier for preparation. If it's a boy, I feel like I'd have no idea what to do with him! Gotta prepare for that! We will be happy no matter what the sex, boy or girl. The girls are excited - Ashley says she wants a baby brother and Liz is just excited about a baby. She loves them and I'm hoping that will hold true in the future.